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Writer's pictureMandisa A. Johnson, MS, MFA

Conversations with Atlanta's Movers and Shakers, Actress, Host and Personality, Kim Lockett

Actress, Host, and Personality, Kim Lockett

A few weeks ago, we were fortunate to have a conversation with Actress, Host, and Personality, Kim Lockett!

Atlanta Film and TV: Can you share about who you are, and what you do in the Atlanta Film and TV industry?

Kim Locket: "I am Miss Kim Lockett. Actress, Host, Personality, voice-over artist, cool best friend. My most recent project is as the mother of the star of Nick’s House, Nicholas Buamah, which you’ll hear more about soon!"

Photo from Nick's House

Atlanta Film and TV: Can you take us on your journey from how you started, to where you are now?

Kim Lockett:"Early on I was interested in acting, and I always had a bubbly personality. When I was twelve, I remember my church putting on the play EveryMan, and I played Jewels and Riches. I remember how excited I felt when we prepared and had rehearsals, and I had my flashcards with my lines. I remember putting on the show and not being afraid. Even when I was performing, I felt good! Fast forward to my senior year in high school. I took a beginner's acting class and fell in love, and kept pursuing acting.

I took classes at a Community College and got my associate's degree. After that, I transferred to Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and studied at Mason Grove School of the Arts for about a year. That is when I knew acting was what I wanted to do! I left school and put my bachelor's degree on hold. After that, I worked a day job, and pursued acting. My mom would take me to auditions, and I was put in touch with a casting director in Connecticut. From there, she helped by putting my resume together and sending me on casting calls. I moved to the New York/New Jersey area, still pursuing my career. I did some background work, small corporate industrials, and commercials. After my mom died in 2016, I decided I wanted something fresh and new. So I moved to Atlanta, and I have been going strong ever since!"

Atlanta Film and TV: When you moved to Atlanta, did you start over?

Kim Lockett: "When I first moved to Atlanta, I had to start fresh, and didn’t have an agent upon moving here. I had to get a day job to stay afloat. I had to start over by doing background work. I utilized Backstage during the beginning of my career and found some small gigs and commercials on my own. I was already in the game and knew how to maneuver. But, I had to start from scratch once I relocated to Atlanta."

Atlanta Film and TV: Can you talk about your experience of getting work as an actress, without a Talent Agent?

Kim Lockett: "I am originally from Massachusetts. My first commercial was with a grocery food chain, and they put me in touch with the casting director, who got me a lot of jobs with corporate industrials training videos and small commercials.

A lot of people did not see them because the company owned them, or only the employees who worked for those companies would see them. Early in my career, I was not an A-list actor. I was, however, working and getting a check! There’s work out there, but you have to find it, and you have to know how to make the right connections to get that information."

Atlanta Film and TV: Did your parents recognize your love of the arts, and what did they do to nourish that gift?

Kim Lockett: "My mom understood it a little early on by letting me be myself. My mom let me talk around the house, recite lines, and sing. My dad saw it early on too, but he was more like, you need a 9-5, and job security. As I got older and started to book more projects, he would see the commercials and say, “This is okay! But they’ve always been supportive and let their friends and our church family know what I’m doing. Since my mom passed, my dad has picked up that extra slack to keep me supported, which I appreciate. He reminds me of how long I’ve been on this journey. The passion I have and tells me to keep pushing!"

Atlanta Film and TV: If I could travel back in time and speak to 18 year old Kim, and tell her about all the wonderful things she would become, what would you least likely believe to be true?

Kim Lockett: "I’ve always had a bubbly personality and have been outgoing. But, there were times I was not as confident in myself. Because I was bubbly all the time, people didn’t get that. I had sad moments because I was going through things. How do you explain every morning saying, ‘Hi! How ya doing’ to people you don’t know? Back then, I would shut down because I don’t think people got me. But, I would tell 18-year-old Kim ‘girl! Twenty years from now, you’re going to be so confident. You’ll walk into a room, greet people, and not even care! Because you know that God has given you a gift of joy. It’s not fake or phony. It’s real! Since God has given me that gift - I share it! So, I would tell her, yes! You will be comfortable and have a strong sense of self!"

Atlanta Film and TV: You relocated to Atlanta a few years ago. What relocation tips could you share for someone wanting to relocate to Atlanta to pursue their career in Acting?

Kim Lockett: "Upon moving, I was lucky enough to have family who lived here, but it was very new to me. I was informed about networking resources on Instagram and Facebook. I joined those groups and learned tips on using the metro system and places to eat. It was more around the acting community, where they shared about different acting studios, schools, and classes. The main thing for those relocating to Atlanta is knowing your goals upon moving. Also, have a day job to support yourself while navigating and building. Atlanta isn’t as fast as New York. But it’s still moving fast. You have to know where you’re going because it can be easy to become misled. So be sure to stay informed and connected."

Atlanta Film and TV: We know you can’t speak on it too much. But, you recently portrayed Nick’s mom on Nick’s House. Can you share your experience about working on the set?

Kim Lockett: "I am grateful to have been a part of Nick's House, and I admired Nicholas and his friends, who were the stars. The children were smart, had hearts of gold, and were fun to be around. The show highlighted their talent and skills. And it showed that children at that age can be on the right track, do the right thing, and be an example for children all over the world. It was wonderful that we could shine a light on them for the world to see."

Atlanta Film and TV: You’re Christian, and there are a lot of Christians looking to pursue a career in Film and TV. Have you ever had to turn down a role because of your beliefs?

Kim Lockett: "I mentioned to you that I lived in the New York/New Jersey area before moving to Atlanta. I believe it was a contact in the industry that connected me with someone, and the script called for an erotic comedy - which was not up my alley. I thought it through, and I auditioned. I wanted to show my range, and push and challenge myself. But, after I got home I started to think through the content of the film. What if my family and church family back home saw this as my big break? Or, it was their first time seeing me on film. Some people can’t separate reality from entertainment and film. When I thought it through, and looked at it as an opportunity to show my range, I had to say ‘no!’ And, to this day, I’m okay with that, because I made the decision for me. I wish that project much success. But, it wasn’t right for me, and my beliefs and values, and where I saw my career going. It was tough, and I had to think it through. But, I think I made the right decision."

Atlanta Film and TV: What words of wisdom or advice do you have for someone wanting to pursue a career in acting?

Kim Lockett: "To my fellow Actors in Atlanta and beyond! Discover what you really enjoy in life. Our careers are important to us. It’s our passion, and it’s what we love. Have a side job, or a hobby. Get those creative juices flowing. Have something else going on besides the day-to-day grind of classes, coaching, and auditions, because it can tug at you! The constant ‘no’s’ and critiques, or waiting for answers if you got that part. When you have your mind on other things, and serving others, or things you love, it keeps you balanced! Even if you get a no today, you know you have a job to go to later. It just helps to keep your mind at peace and ease. Keep balance in your life. "

Atlanta Film and TV: Can you talk about the importance of networking and building relationships?

Kim Lockett: "I think it’s important to be kind to any and everybody, because you don’t know who knows who. Or, where your next opportunity will come from. It could be for your career, finances, or spiritually. When you greet people, just say ‘hello!’ Start a conversation, and be kind. You never know who they are. Who they know, or what information they know. Many times the person sitting next to us may have what we need, but we can’t be afraid to be who we are and strike up a conversation. Networking has helped me quite a bit. Even when I was nervous when I was 18. My mom always encouraged me to connect and be kind, and let people know what you’re doing. You never know who has a need for what you have, and who holds something you need."

You can connect with Kim Lockett on Instagram @misskimlockett

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